
Reader x America - Hero in the Night

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Reader x America – Hero in the Night

Note:  Please read description if you have not read the intro!

“Ok (name) vhat do you vant to do?”  Germany asked.

You didn’t even have time to look around the room, or even think for that matter, when America loudly spoke up from behind England.

“Dudes, she can totally stay over at my place!”

“What??  You git, you can barely take care of yourself, and I think it would be better for her to stay with me since this is my fault in the first place.”  England gasped.

“Dude, can you stop treating me like I’m still a kid?  Come on, she’ll have a ton of fun at my place, and we can go get McDonalds together and I can teach her how to play Call of Duty and some other games.”

England just face palmed and shook his head.

“Vell it’s up to (name) if she vants to go vith him or not,” Germany stated.

America looked to you and gave you his signature thumbs up with a wink.  You blushed slightly and looked down to hide it.  You thought about staying with him, and thought it couldn’t be that bad.  If you ever wanted something besides McDonalds you could go and buy yourself other things.  You had also wanted to try to play CoD, but never got the chance so maybe this was a good idea.

Looking back up, everyone had their eyes on you, waiting for you to make to ultimate decision.

“I’ll stay with America.  I think it will be very fun.”

“Woohoo! This is going to be totally awesome.”  America cheered and started to jump up and down, earning a slap to the head from England.

“You git!  Stop acting like a child.”

“Ah come on England, you’re just jealous she’s staying with me and not you.”

England then blushed and started to stutter.

“W-What are y-you talking about?? I’m not jealous!  I just don’t agree she should stay with an oblivious git like you.”

He then crossed his arms and closed his eyes tightly shut as if trying to make America disappear.

You giggled and America turned to you to give you a wide smile.

“Ahem.  Since ve vont be getting much done vith zhis meeting, the meeting is now adjourned.”

Germany then packed up his things and called for Italy and Japan that it was time to head home.  Italy gave you one last hug and followed after Germany while Japan bowed to you and left.

The other countries soon followed suit, but England came over to you and whispered something in your ear.

“I hope you know what you are getting yourself into, love.  I’ll try to create the spell to send you home as fast as I can, but I have no idea when it will be done.”

“That’s alright England, take your time.  I’ll try to keep an eye on America, so he doesn’t do anything too crazy.”

He let out a small chuckle and patted your shoulder before heading out the door.  You watched him leave, but as soon as he was out the door America pulled you into a one armed hug.  

“So you ready to head to my place, dudette?  You seem really tired.”

That was true.  Your eyelids were beginning to droop as the shock of coming to this world began to vanish.

You simply nodded and got up from your seat, but you didn’t have much time to get your bearings.  America had grabbed onto your hand, and began to happily rush out to his car with you trying to keep up with the hyper American.

Once you got to the car you were already out of breath while America didn’t seem phased at all.  He saw your panting form and gave one of his infamous laughs.  You just rolled your eyes and gave a breathy chuckle.

“You really are as hyper as I thought you’d be America.”

“You don’t have to be so formal (name).  Just call me Alfred or the Hero!”

“I think I’ll stick to Alfred.”  You teased.  He would have to earn the hero title with you.

“Ok!  Although, you’ll call me a hero sooner or later.”  He smiled.

You rolled your eyes again with a smile and got into his car on the passenger seat.  He did the same and got into the drivers seat and turned the car on and began to drive to his home.

Somewhere along the drive home you had fallen into a peaceful sleep.  How you didn’t know because Alfred was telling you stories of him saving the world and was really loud.  His stories were interesting, but all that was on your mind at this point was sleep, so you just let your eyes close and drift into slumber.

-------------America’s POV-------------------

I had just finished telling (name) the story of how I took charge and won World War II, but when I glanced over at her she was fast asleep.  Man, she must have really been tired to fall asleep during one of my totally cool stories.

‘Oh well,’ I thought, ‘ there’s still plenty of time till England gets that spell down to send her home, so I have time to tell her all my stories.’

I continued to drive home with thoughts of how cool it was to have someone from a different world sitting right next to me, and that she was staying at my house.  England is gonna be so jealous when he hears her talking about all the cool things I’m gonna show her!

I pulled up to the driveway and got out of the car to (name)’s side and gently picked her up.  She slightly snuggled into my chest, which made me face heat up for a minute, but I shook it off and headed inside the house to the guest bedroom.

I was trying my best to keep myself from making too much noise, but it was nothing a hero like myself couldn’t handle.

I came upon the guestroom and quietly opened the door.  I then went over to the bed and laid (name) down and then pulled the blankets over her shoulders.

I stayed there for a few minutes, watching her form raise and fall slowly.  Her face was really pretty, even cuter when she was asleep.

I felt a pain in my chest when I watched her.  What is this feeling?  It feels like I need to protect her from anything.  I’m already the hero, so no matter what I promise to make sure nothing bad ever happens to her.

With that I lightly kissed her forehead goodnight, earning a small smile from her sleeping form, and left the room to head to bed.  Starting tomorrow we were going to have so much fun.  Just you wait (name)!

----------------------Time Skip (5 months)-----------------------------

Yup, you had stayed with Alfred for 5 months, but you really enjoyed being around him.  You had become a master of CoD and even beat Alfred on occasion.  Sure he loved to eat McDonalds almost every single day, but despite being somewhat oblivious he knew he to have fun and make you smile.  You had grown feelings for him, but kept them to yourself for fear of having to leave him when England finished the spell to send you home.  

It was currently 8pm, and you were currently laying in your bed reading one of the comics Alfred had gotten you when he came bursting through the door.  He had a bowl of popcorn in his hands and an excited expression across his face.

“Dudette!  I just got this awesome movie and I thought we could have a movie night tonight.  What do ya say??”

You put your book down on the nightstand and sat up to face him.

“Sure.  What movie is it?”

“(Name of the scariest movie you know).”

Your eyes widened with fear and you then shook your head frantically.  That was one movie you had watched once back in your world, and you swore to yourself that you would never watch it again no matter what.  Why did it even have to exist in this world?

“Ah come on (name), it will be totally cool!  And if you get scared the hero will be there to make sure you are ok!”

‘Yeah right,’ you thought.  You knew how scared Alfred could get when it came to scary anything.  Even the mentioning of a ghost would send him into a state of shaking and stuttering.

“Maybe another night Alfred.  I’m really tired.”

His face fell and he started to pout, giving you puppy dog eyes that for some reason you couldn’t resist.  Why did he have to be so cute?

“Ugh, fine, but the second something really scary pops up on the screen I’m running for it.”

His face brightened up immediately and he grabbed your wrist, and began to pull you downstairs to the movie room.  You sat down on the sofa while Alfred put in the DVD then came to sit next to you.

He seemed to already be trembling just from seeing the opening, and he was now holding the bowl of popcorn for dear life.  You didn’t try to take any of the popcorn because you knew any sudden movements at this point would surprise him.

You just sunk into the sofa and mentally prepared yourself for the horror to come, knowing full well you would be screaming your head off and running to your room later.

Halfway through the film, both you and Alfred were screaming your heads off and cringing in fear.  Alfred had the popcorn bowl, or what was left of it, squashed against his chest, and it was now as flat as a pancake.  You on the other hand were hiding behind a pillow, taking quick glances at the TV only to hide behind the pillow again once a jump scare came on.

After yet another scary scene, you finally had to get away from the TV for a few minutes to calm yourself down.

“A-A-Alfred?  I-I’m g-gonna go g-get a glass o-of water.”

“O-O-Ok (name).  EEEEEEKK!!!”  He screamed at the TV as another scary part came on.

You made your way to the kitchen, but not without trouble since your whole body was still shaking in fear.  Once you got there, you grabbed a glass from the cabinet and filled it with cold water from the fridge.  You brought it up to your lips, but were met with something sharp and cold against your throat.

Gasping, you dropped the glass and it shattered on the floor.  A hand then went over your mouth and a low voice, almost a growl, whispered into your ear.

“Be quiet and do as I say, or else this knife is gonna slide across your pretty little throat.”

You gave a tiny nod, submitting to your attacker while fear gripped your mind and paralyzed your body.

You closed your eyes, waiting for him to tell you what he wanted, but it never came.  You were suddenly pushed aside to the ground, and then a few thuds came from the direction you were thrown.  

You looked up and saw Alfred in his fighting stance, eyes deadly and face serious, as he faced the would be attacker.  The man held the knife up and charged at Alfred who swiftly dodged the on-coming blade and then brought up his right fist in an upper cut.  It landed square on the man’s chin and knocked him up a few feet in the air and he came crashed down on the floor in a one-hit-k.o.  

You curled up into a ball as Alfred went to the phone and began to phone the police.  Once he was done, he focused his attention on you and ran over to your side.  He then pulled you into a tight hug, which you hesitantly returned.  

“It’s ok (name), I’m here, the hero is here, and you are safe.”  His voice was serious, yet soothing.

It kind of shocked you that he would ever sound so serious, yet so calm.  You didn’t ponder on it long as the police soon arrived at the house and Alfred went over to explain what had happened.  

After about 10 minutes, the police left with the suspect and you were now lying on your bed curled up in a ball.  You tried to fall asleep, but nightmares from the movie and what had happened.  

Alfred stood in the doorway and saw your shaking form.  Worried, he came over and tried the best he could to calm you, but nothing seemed to work.

Sighing, and also blushing, he crawled into bed with you and pulled you into his chest.  He then wrapped his arms around you and began to stroke your hair, which caused your shaking to stop.  You cuddled up to his chest and the feeling of him being near you and him stroking your hair sent you off into a dreamless sleep.

It was then you realized that he truly was a hero, your hero.

--------------------Time skip to morning---------------------

You slowly woke up from the dreamless sleep in the arms of your hero from the night before, and a smile made it’s way across your face.  Alfred was still asleep taking in deep breaths as his chest slowly rose and fell.

You tried to get out of his grip without waking him up, but his arms only wrapped around you tighter.  Sighing, you lay back down and waited for him to wake up.

About 30 minutes later, he began to stir and his eyes fluttered open to meet your (e/c) ones.  He smiled and pulled you closer in a bear hug.

“You’re finally awake sleepyhead,” you teased, earning a chuckle from him.

“Yup, and feeling better than ever!  I think I’m happier than I have ever been.”

“Really?  How so?”

“I got to be the hero and save the girl who was precious to me,” he said with a big grin across his face.

Wait, did he just indirectly say that he liked you?  Sure you liked him too, but to hear him say that made your heart melt.

Smiling, you hid your face in his chest and mumbled something he couldn’t hear.
“What did you say (name)?  Couldn’t hear ya.”

“I said you really are my hero, and I’m glad it was you who saved me last night.”

He blushed and pulled away a little to place his index finger under your chin and make you look up at him.  

“Did you mean what you just said?  That I was your hero?”

“Yes, I really meant it from the bottom of my heart Alfred.  You’re my hero, and I also really like you too.”

His eyes went wide with shock and just stared at you, seemingly not believing what you just said.  It didn’t last long though because he flashed his signature smile after a few seconds and then pressed his lips softly to yours.  You’re eyes went wide, but then fluttered shut almost immediately.  Fireworks exploded between you and your hands went up to play with his messy hair as his pressed against the small of your back.

You both pulled away panting after a minute and cuddled up to each other.

“I love you, (name).”  He whispered into your ear.

“I love you too, my hero.”

“Will you stay here with me?  It would be totally cool if you could stay by my side.”

“I want to stay with you here forever, Alfred.”  

He smiled and somehow tightened the already constricting hug.

You sat there and cuddled the rest of the morning until it was finally time to get up and eat breakfast.  Although, while you were eating the phone began to rang, and Alfred answered it cheerily while his mouth was partially full.

“Hey England!  What’s up buddy?”


“Sorry, but (name) wont be needing the spell anymore, and she’s going to be staying with me dude.”

You then heard England yell something into the phone and Alfred had to hold the phone away from his ear.

“Ok, Ok dude.  No need to yell, and she decided for herself to stay.  I guess you really did get jealous huh?”

“And he hung up, hahaha.  He’s jealous, but he’ll never admit it.”

You laughed and continued eating breakfast with Alfred by your side.  You knew that from today on he would always be your hero of the night, saving you from anything and everything that would come between you and push you apart.

The End~
Had a few ideas for America and combined two of them to get this lol. Was fun to write about him though had some trouble trying to bring out his personality, but I think I got it right :)

Story belongs to me
Hetalia belongs to Himaruya

Intro: [link]
© 2013 - 2024 Nightsevera
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cclarixn's avatar
In the part where Alfred started screaming,i just imagined a GMOD-est model of him flinging around. 

i play too much gmod

help me